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Quote: 6x04 Elena & Alaric 'I want you to rediscover yourself in the abscence of the one who defined you'


[Elena] How could you obliterate an entire chapter of my life?
[Alaric] Look, Elena, as much as I like to think that I am full of wisdom, I think it's time we stop pretending that I actually know what's best, okay? Look, I've got my own issues to sort out right now, and I, I think this will explain it much better than I can.
[Elena] Dear me, if you're reading this then somebody spilled the beans about your selective memory loss. My money's on Caroline. Yes, you loved Damon. You loved him with a passion that consumed you. And when Damon died, the void he filled was too deep, too dark. Facing an eternity without your soul mate, you went off the deep end. You turned into someone that you weren't: a monster. Alaric can restore your lost memories. All you have to do is ask, but I hope that you don't. I tried it the other way and I didn't see an end to the pain. I want you to rediscover yourself in the absence of the one who defined you. If you feel any hope for the future at all, then you're already better off. You've been given a chance to start over. I want you to take it. I want you to be happy.
[Alaric] So, what do you want me to do?
[Elena] Can you hold onto that? Keep it safe in case I ever need to read it again.

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